OVER:FACE Management is a visionary agency based in Taipei, Taiwan, established in 2021 by the forward-thinking Yi-An Chen. Our agency’s mission is to provide a dynamic and influential platform for independent talents in the realms of beauty, stories, arts, fashion, and personalities. Our approach is distinctive; we aim to serve as a nurturing mother agency, focusing intently on individual talents and bringing their compelling stories to a global audience. Through our dedicated teams, we have embarked on a journey to redefine the industry standards by offering a fresh perspective on talent representation
Beside modeling and Artist management, At OVER:FACE, we specialize in crafting compelling brand stories and delivering exceptional production solutions that resonate. With a focus on creativity, strategy, and precision, we empower businesses to stand out in today’s competitive market. From innovative content production to tailored brand consulting, we work hand-in-hand with our clients to develop memorable identities and impactful campaigns. Our team of industry experts combines technical expertise with creative flair, ensuring every project is executed flawlessly and aligns with your brand vision.
Whether you're launching a new product, revitalizing your brand, or looking to create immersive experiences, OVER:FACE is your trusted partner in turning ideas into tangible success.
OVER:FACE Management 是在台北成立的第一家前瞻性模特兒經紀公司,由負責人陳怡安於 2021年創立。從一開始的全方位模特兒的經營規劃到 2022年擴張簽入攝影及妝髮及其他創意人才。OVER:FACE 團隊的我們堅守專業、誠信與創新,在2024年除了專業的藝能訓練及導向經營, 公司一併致力於為品牌提供引領的服務。我們不斷透過與海外品牌及公司的共同創新合作來推動與更多行業的多元化發展,確保我們能在全球市場中保持跟進且帶領國內客戶前往領的地位。我們也透過專業的品牌顧問及製片角色來更深入的了解品牌故事,並提供令人印象深刻且貼切於品牌中心的製作解決方案,讓品牌更具影響力。我們以創意、策略和精準為核心,致力於幫助企業在競爭激烈的市場中能以不一樣的平面及動態視覺形象而脫穎而出。從創新的內容製作到量身定制的品牌諮詢服務,我們的專業團隊會結合技術專長與創意巧思,確保每一個項目都能給予品牌最適合且有效率的建議!無論是推出新產品、重塑品牌,還是希望創建沉浸式體驗,OVER:FACE 成為品牌信賴的合作夥伴且能將想法轉化為具體的成功一直都是我們的目標及願景。